Alucky font family by Khurasan is a free-flowing handwritten font with fluid, contemporary style, and elegant appearance. The designer of this font was inspired by the modern signature style which is widely used across visual media today. Potential Alucky users can get creative with this font, making the most out of its artistic handwriting style.
This great quality font can be a game-changer for your invitation cards, book covers, posters, or labels. Used in a secondary way, the font will also make an impact when used in packaging and other branding material.
Alucky is a free font not suitable for commercial use. A purchase or donation is required should you wish to use it on paid projects.
This font is available for free download, both for personal and commercial use.
Please note that this free font does not include multilingual characters. If you require additional multilingual characters, feel free to contact me via email at
If you would like to support my work, you can make a donation at the following link:
Thank you for your support!
Syafrizal a.k.a. Khurasan