Amatya Signature font offers a free flowing handwritten style, presenting itself with an elegant appearance and chic looks. Created by aminmario, its artistic and dynamic feel makes it a great choice for projects that need a strong visual attraction and pleasant feel. Amatya Signature is sophisticated and stylish, yet its readability, even when applied to small letter texts, remains high and clear. Grillers, especially ones that need an engaging and personal touch, can certainly benefit from this font.
The style of handwriting is most commonly associated with modern designs that need to keep an artistic side and an elegant overall look. Hence, it is perfect for branding designs, especially those related to products like jewelry, body products, furniture, etc. Use it for official paperwork like diplomas and certificates, or keep it simple and add a remarkable touch to your cards, invitations, photo albums, posters, and other personalized designs.
This font is a free font for personal use. For commercial uses, a license purchase is required.
After downloading, you agree that my font is only used for personal (non-commercial) needs.
If you want to use my font for COMMERCIAL / EXTENDED LICENSE needs, please visit the link or email me.
If you use my font without buying a license first, it will be subject to sanctions 100x the standard price.
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
However, any donations are very appreciated.
Paypal account for donation:
For the full version and COMMERCIAL LICENSE/CUSTOM LICENSE, please email me at:
Don't forget to visit my collaboration with Mns Grebck in the Handwriting Bundle:
If you are a designer, advertiser, printer, or in the film/cinema industry in Indonesia and want to use my font for commercial or extended license needs, please email me.