Angel Signature font family by aminmario is a free font for personal use which brings an elegant and artistic handwritten touch to your designs. The 4 font styles share a modern, smooth, and artistic finish similar to popular signature fonts and are beautifully inviting and welcoming. Flowing letter connections, curves, and curves make an important part of the design which is suitable for both professional and personal use.
To unleash your creativity, use Angel Signature fonts in creating attractive invitation cards (e.g. for weddings), personal diaries, name tags, product brand names, display posters, or your own personal signatures for emails and letters. The font will look equally impressive on a business card or on a company stationery/brochure.
All fonts in this family are free for personal use; however, a license for professional and commercial use must be purchased from the owner.
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
Any donation is greatly appreciated. A minimum of $10 or more is appreciated.
Paypal account for donation:
For the full version and COMMERCIAL LICENSE, please visit:
After downloading, you have agreed that the font can only be used for personal (non-commercial) needs.
Designers, advertisers, printers, and film/cinema professionals in Indonesia who wish to use the font for commercial or extended license purposes, please email me. The pricing is reasonable.
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