Anteri Signature font by Mans Greback is a script typeface with continuous cursive markings. This is a carefully handwritten type with great attention to the smallest detail intended. The font imitates fluid motions with no clear line edges and gentle strokes of the designer’s pen. That way an elegant and distinctive look is achieved with broad usage possibilities.
Use Anteri Signature font in branding and promotion projects such as logos and social media content. Design magnificent posters, magazines, product labels, and package designs in various industries. The font is useful for designs in fashion, cosmetics, jewelry, and other industries.
This is a free font for personal use only. Commercial use, browser, and application use should be acquired with a license purchase. Consider checking out extended licenses and registration when needed.
To purchase a commercial license, visit
Use an underscore _ anywhere in a word to make a swash. For example, "Love_letter."
Features available when downloaded:
Use multiple underscores to make longer underlines.
Use a percent sign % at the end of any word to make a swash letter. For example, "Scrap__book%."
Write a hash symbol # before or after any word to make a tail letter. For example, "#cuteness#."
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