Athena Signature font designed by Letteragam is a free handwritten font with a signature style. Athena Signature is spontaneously handwritten which gives the characters a casual natural elegance. It combines simplicity, modern aesthetic, and an artistic flair which makes it suitable for contemporary branding, invitations, or logo design.
Use Athena Signature for invitation cards, stylish logos, personal branding, and signature-style texts. Beautify your social media posts, posters, flyers, or dedicated websites with the least possible effort. The font will work equally well in printed materials, screen apps, and web pages.
Free for personal not commercial use, the font is recommended to creatives who wish an artistic flair added to their typography. To extend its licensing definition, it’s best to contact the font author or buy a license. Alternatively, donate whatever possible amount to the font owner to show your support.
Here is the modified text:
Please contact me before any commercial use. My fonts are available for free use only in personal projects, non-profit, and charity initiatives. If you make money from using my fonts, please purchase a commercial license.
You can reach me at