Baremila font family by Dav studio is a free handwritten collection of 2 font styles with signature-style typography. The letters’ thickness is designed to showcase an artistic touch often achieved with a brush or a felt marker.
All in all, Baremila balances elegance, sophistication, and modern expression. Gentle bows, expressive tails, and exaggerated loops are some elements that make this flowing type face special.
Suited for book covers, this font can also be the perfect addition to posters, flyers, and online ads. Also, consider Baremila for your website or mobile application interface, banners, merchandise, and other printings.
The license is for personal use only. However, you may support the author by donating or purchasing a commercial license.
This font is free for personal use. If you need it for commercial use, you can buy the license.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a message at Follow my Instagram for more updates @davstudio_
Thank you.