Barithom Signature font by Javatype Studio is a free handwritten font with a stylish and sophisticated appearance. This font resembles a contemporary signature in its clean finish with dynamic flow that mimics human handwriting. It stands out nicely whether as a main typeface in your project or to accompany another one.
Barithom Signature’s casual elegance marks it as a perfect choice for personal invitations, greeting cards, planners and journals, advertisement designs, photography, branding, labels, packaging, stationery, tote bags, posters, or even background patterns for covers.
The font license permits use for personal purposes. A donation or purchase may be required for commercial use.
Barithom is a signature monoline font with an elegant and classy style for your perfect project. Barithom would be perfect for photography, watermark, social media posts, advertisements, logos & branding, invitations, product designs, labels, stationery, wedding designs, product packaging, special events, or anything that needs a handwriting-style touch.
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! However, any donations are greatly appreciated.
Paypal account for donation:
Link to purchase the full version and commercial license:
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