Better Signature font family by Ydhra Studio comes in 2 font styles with an elegant handwritten aesthetic. As opposed to being static, the letters create dynamic visual movement, which is achieved by the meticulously designed and subtle imperfections. Bringing a personal touch, the visual effects this font family can bring to your projects are truly tremendous.
Incorporate the artistic design Better Signature brings in your branding projects which need that approach. Use the fonts for the modern design of product packaging, labels, invitations, or posters. Because of the high readability, you can freely use it not only for headings but also for paragraphs in magazines, blogs, or websites.
This font family is free for personal use only. For any type of commercial project, please consider buying a license or making a donation to the author.
This demo font is for personal use only. It does not include any ligatures or alternates. However, any donation would be greatly appreciated.
The Paypal account for donations is
The link to purchase the full version and commercial license is:
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