Blue Signature font by Mans Greback is a free handwritten script font that stands out with elegant curves and a fluid feel. Its signature-like design carries an expressive, contemporary, sophisticated, artistic, and dynamic quality, all well-suited for decoration, readability, and extending the limits of your text slides. Your audience will notice the different stylistic touches added to this font, features that shine even more when mutual support between copy and design are prioritized.
Make delicate touches with Blue Signature within your announcements, invitations, greeting cards, and even your wallpaper designs. Bring attention to your sports boards, whether they present exercises or fun lists, or easily highlight sections and pieces of information within your educational posters and flyers. And because a teacher should feel comfortable using our tools, this one can also be added to non-commercial reading books, novels, children’s books, etc.
The font is free for personal use only, so make sure to check out its commercial license. Otherwise, a donation to the designer could also be an option.
Blue Signature is a playful and expressive handwriting font with a wild and untamed style. Its looping, flowing strokes and elegant curves give it a unique and authentic look. Designed with a focus on autograph-like qualities.
To use the swash feature, type an underscore "_" anywhere in a word to create a swash. For example, "White_sign".
To create different swashes, use multiple underscores. For instance, "Love____letters".
To add flowers, use the "*" symbol. Examples include "Pink*Roses" and "Spring*Party".
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