Boba Lova font by aminmario is a casual and expressive free handwritten font. The letters closely imitate human handwriting making this a great tool, for instance, for those looking for a signature-style logo design. The font’s line of letters is connected and fluid and the letters themselves feature numerous curvature both vertically and horizontally. It only contains one font style.
If you’re convinced this artistic font can work for you, download it and use it in branding projects, logotype, poster designs, the cover of magazines, fancy stationery, or product packaging. It’s all up to you and where you see it fitting best.
Therefore, the license is only for demo purposes and this means the font can’t officially be used in commercial applications. If you want to use it on commercial occasions either purchase a proper license or potentially make a donation.
Boba Lova is a modern script. It comes with a full version, perfect for pairing with Sans or Serif fonts.
After downloading, you agree that the font is only used for personal (non-commercial) needs. For designers, advertisers, publishers, film, and cinema, if you want to use the font for commercial or extended license needs, please email.
If you use the font without buying a license first, it will be subject to sanctions 100 times the standard price.
Thank you. This demo font is for personal use only, but any donations are appreciated.
Paypal account for donations:
For a commercial license, please visit:
For an extended license, please email:
Don't forget to visit the collaboration with Mns Grebck in the Handwriting Bundle: