Brecelets font is elegant and free handwritten set of characters designed by Muhammad Hasan. This casual signature-style font is sophisticated, artistic, expressive, and modern. The organic structure makes it suitable as a display font where it expresses its beauty to the fullest. As for the style, it is mostly feminine with a romantic touch and a unique set of capital letters.
Brecelets can be adopted in several use cases like logos and branding, product packaging, titles, magazines, invitations, quotes, posters, and signages. Multi-users typography projects are suitable as well in both their digital and print copies.
Personal usage is allowed for free, and a donation to the author is required to get the commercial license.
Brecelets Signature Font also includes a full set of uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, punctuation, and swashes. It would be perfect for all types of printing techniques, such as embroidery, laser cutting, and gold foil.
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. However, any donations are greatly appreciated. You can make a donation through the following PayPal account:
To purchase the full version and commercial license, please visit the following link:
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Thank you.