Brett Hartley font family by Brett Hartley Script comes with 2 font styles in a well-thought-out composition. As this flowing, signature style font is handwritten, you can see the marker strokes clearly in the design in addition to some small details on the inside of the characters. Not all letters are joined which prevents this font family from looking strictly cursive. Finally, the font thickness, although inconsistent, tends to be medium.
Take your projects, printed and digital alike, to the next level by installing and using this all caps font. It’s suitable for branding design, product packaging, labels, signage, clothing items, decorations, and posters. Various digital designs, such as Instagram stories, Facebook posts, TikTok videos, and Pinterest banners can also benefit. Finally, last-minute birthday cards or event invitations will definitely gain more style if this font is used in them.
Brett Hartley font is free for personal use, and a license is required for commercial usage.
This demo font is for personal use only. If you need an extended or corporate license, please contact me at