Callinda font designed by Nur Kholis is an elegant handwritten script with modern, stylish features. It carries a signature look that feels natural, contemporary, and expressive. With its sophisticated approach to letter design, Callinda is clearly a popular type choice that follows widely liked typographic trends. Artists and font enthusiasts will enjoy its personal and emotional expression of text.
Use this free font in signature designs, casual letters, invitations, greeting cards, posters, artistic banners, quote images, business cards, websites, social media pages, albums, labels, branding, and logos. There are countless other ways to make Callinda the highlight of your typography project.
Callinda font is released according to personal usage terms. For a professional or commercial project, either make a donation or purchase a proper license.
Introducing "Callinda" - A Signature Font
This demo font is for personal use only. However, any donations are greatly appreciated. To make a donation, please visit the following PayPal account:
To purchase the full version and commercial license, please follow this link:
We hope you enjoy the font. Thank you so much for checking out our portfolio. Feel free to drop us a message if you have any queries.