Callite font family by Khurasan offers a handwritten style in 2 font styles that perfectly captures the elegance of a signature. This free font family balances modern and sophisticated touches through expressive letterforms that flow beautifully into one another. Each character is approachable with a stylish design and rounded edges that should look great in contemporary applications across print and digital media.
Consider adding Callite to upscale invitations, personal branding materials, book covers, posters, and professional presentations. Its beauty is clear in blogs, social media posts, greeting cards, and letters. Any modern brand with a stylish, elegant direction will benefit from its use in a logo, menu, or business card.
Callite is free for personal use. Users who wish to access it for commercial purposes should either purchase a license or donate to the owner of this lovely, hand-crafted gem.
Thank you for downloading my product.
This free font is available for personal use.
If you are interested in the full version and a license for commercial use, you can purchase it here:
If you would like to make a donation, you can do so here:
I genuinely appreciate your support.
Thank you,
Syafrizal a.k.a. Khurasan