Choco Shake font family by Khurasan is a cartoonish free font family consisting of two inviting font styles. This beautifully drawn option presents rounded letters with a friendly, warm, and modern feel. The informal vibe it communicates makes it a comfortable addition that reads well while looking visually intriguing whenever applied.
The font can be used in various projects including posters, magazine covers, movie covers, books, and children’s books, among many others. It is also great for logos, articles, animated social media posts, branding, and advertising concepts or sign design projects.
Choco Shake is freeware but not available for commercial use. Please purchase a license or consider donating for commercial usage.
This font is completely free for both personal and commercial use.
You can download this free font here:
If you would like to support the development of more free fonts, please consider donating. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your support!
Syafrizal a.k.a. Khurasan