Cintella font is an elegant calligraphy script designed by Fajri Yandi. This modern signature-style typeface writes fluently and gracefully, instantly making any work look stunning and lively. Its high expressive tone gives every taken snapshot a more descriptive feel. The font is a great choice for capturing memorable events and moments in time within blogs, posters, flyers, or websites.
The best use cases of Cintella include magazine covers, social media posts, product packaging, and business cards. Other great use cases include labels, watermarks, branding, clothing items, and more. Several handwritten signatures with this font will look magnificent in a passport or on legal documents.
This font is licensed for free personal use but not for commercial use. To use in business projects, purchase a commercial license or make a donation to the author.
Cintella Script is a script font that has the characteristic handwriting. The font is free for personal use and is available in the TTF file format. To obtain the full version, visit Additionally, all products can be accessed at If you would like to make a donation, please click the following link: Thank you.