Coffecake font family by Khurasan looks bulky and feels sweet, just like your favorite muffin. Bold and bubbly, this font has no sharp edges, making it a friendly and welcoming font for all users. Its smooth, curved characters in a playful handwritten style feel informal and casual as well as modern. The multi-style font, an extremely popular font family, is perfect for use in headlines and short-length text.
Explore countless creative ideas by integrating Coffecake font into projects from branding, packaging, and merchandise to gaming, application design, and advertising. With its friendly inviting look, explore if you like even further ideas such as greeting cards, invitations, slogans, and any content heading.
Coffecake is a freeware font family making it free to use for all purposes. Consider purchasing a license to be sure about your specific license requirements.
This font is free for personal and commercial use.
You can download this font here:
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I really appreciate your donations.
Thank you,
Syafrizal (Khurasan)