Culture Wind font family is a free, cursive, and elegant script with a thin flowing and connected style. Its modern and stylish look with smooth lines gives it a calligraphy-like handwritten finish. Its letterforms are stylish and consistent thus making your titles eye-catching. The font is readable and maintains letter separation all despite its connected style.
Use Culture Wind as a display font or in larger sizes so that its unique features are highlighted in your designs. Projects that can take advantage of this font include signature making, labels, products packaging, invitations, greeting cards, logos, T-shirts, advertising, videos, posters, or wall art. This typeface will add a classy look while still feeling personal.
The free font styles include two styles which when combined create truly unique results. Personal use is allowed with the free license while commercial use requires a license purchase.
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This product is free for personal use. If you want the full version and license for commercial use, you can purchase it here:
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I really appreciate your donations.
Big thank you,
Syafrizal (a.k.a. Khurasan)