Deko font family by ingoFonts includes 2 artistic font styles that will immediately uplift any graphic design project. This lovely typeface is decorative with bold and geometric shapes and carries a retro-futuristic visual artistic touch. The font gives a modern flawless vibe, far from any imperfections as if it's drawn by hand on canvas.
Add Deko to your identity designs, advertisements, magazines, posters and cover pages, product packaging, typography design artwork, branding, and marketing materials. The artistic design of this Deko is guaranteed to turn heads in all your projects and applications.
This free font is great for personal and private design projects, however, not suitable for commercial use. A donation or a purchase of a license is kindly suggested.
Geometric Decorative Initials for Combining
Dk is not really a font as such. Dk is just decorative, but completely without frills. Geometric stems arranged in a square result in small graphic works of art. The characters are barely recognizable as letters, with each letter serving as its own little logo.
Stylistically, Dk belongs to the late Art Deco, the De Stijl movement of the 1920s, and Constructivism of the 1930s. However, even in the 1950s and 60s, there were design movements that cultivated this type of shape language.
Dk consists of two fonts: Dk Blakk and Dk Yello. Both contain the exact same characters with the same adjustment, but with one difference:
Dk Blakk represents the positive form of the letters, whereas the coordinating negative form is found in Dk Yello. Together, one on top of the other, they result in a full square for each letter, consisting of a foreground and background. Depending on the combination of both fonts, more or less vivid effects are attained.