EUnity Futuristic Font







Jun 17, 2012


Author's note

Europe is in a crisis! Countries are in doubt. How much power do we lend to the European Union? What is the value of the Euro? Do we have to suffer for other countries' problems? What if we step out of the EU and just fend for ourselves?

It's a crisis indeed, in which there are a lot of short-term visions and 'solutions'. Surely you can just drop out, but what about the future? Europe must remember that we are not the only economy around. You can fend for yourself for a while, but in the end, you must compete with future big economic powers like China, India, and South America.

What Europe needs to survive in the long term is a solid platform. A strong network with clear guidelines that stimulates trading, but with the countries retaining their own separate identity.

To symbolize this in a medium, I made a display typeface named EUnity. It's a very complete typeface that allows all European countries to make proper use of this font. With EUnity, the user is able to connect by choice with the use of uppercase writing or lowercase.

The key - it's EUnity!