Falkin Script font family by Mans Greback is an expressive script handwritten font developed with a stylish personal signature in mind. It consists of two fonts that share the same visual style, but differ by being filled fonts or outlined fonts, essentially an optional finishing touch. The expressive personal quality found in the font is similar to the one found in personal signature handwritten fonts, where Falkin Script takes inspiration from.
Visuals, especially important ones like branding or gaming, will benefit from fonts like this one. You can create branding deals and logos using this font, as well as invitations, packages, magazines, and books. Use it for gaming interfaces or websites where you need something different than environment text.
If you are interested to use Falkin Script in a commercial context, you will have to contact the author in order to purchase a license.
To purchase a commercial license, visit:
For questions, please visit www.mn.sg/faq
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