Flaming Carrot font by Letterara is a free handwritten font that blends casual elegance with a modern script style. The font designer has incorporated a dynamic flow with expressive curves to generate a subtle, contemporary application. A true handwritten feel is evoked in its unique letter shapes which show authentic irregularities and imperfect edges.
Whether used digitally or on print, Flaming Carrot can be used in typesetting books, headlines, posters, magazine covers, website banners, social media posts, flyers, packaging, invitations, labels, and more. Such a versatile font is definitely one to keep up your sleeves for whenever it’s needed.
Flaming Carrot is free for personal use, so if you’re interested in other types of projects, make sure to check the term. Purchasing a license or making a donation is always a friendly gesture.
Commercial license fonts are available from
thomasaradea@gmail.com or at
https://link.fontpicks.com/MXhN. Donations can be made through the PayPal account at
https://www.paypal.me/thomasaradea. For those displaying the work on a website, the author's note must also be displayed. Using this font with a "Personal Use" license for any commercial purpose without permission will result in a corporate license fee.