Frisha Signature font is a cursive script typeface designed and published by Heypen Type. The premium quality font captures inspiration from natural handwritten calligraphy in a stylish and elegant way. The pen strokes are clean, smooth, and gracefully connected giving a minimal visual appearance. Frisha Signature achieves a modern and unique character along with a legibility and eye-catching presence.
Download Frisha Signature and add magic to your branding projects, packaging designs, headlines, titles, posters, book and cover design, apparel, invitation cards, and social media posts. Showcase your creativity by pairing it with your favorite free font, illustrations, backgrounds, and textures in any minimal or luxurious visual direction you prefer!
This font is free for personal use. However, for commercial use, you may need to purchase a commercial license from the owner.
This demo font is for personal use only. Please read the text files.
To purchase the full version and obtain a commercial license, visit the following link:
You can also visit our store to get an affordable commercial fonts license for your project:
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