Funky Signature font family is a free font handwritten typeface designed by EF Studio. Featuring 2 font styles, Funky Signature offers a casual and elegant look that seeks to mimic conscious handwriting. It adds a modern signature look for various contemporary applications. Its uniform and well-tooled letters read easily and make readers feel special with the affectionate appearance they introduce to their own words.
This font family is perfect for invitations, business cards, magazine covers, social media content, and advertising. It can even be used for a special touch for branding purposes, logo designs, special packages, and others that would benefit from a stylish finish.
Licensed for personal use only, a commercial license can be purchased or a donation made in order to use it commercially. The purchase or donation is an option mostly demanded from established brands and wherever large-scale platforms are used.
This font is for personal use only, not for commercial purposes. If you need it for commercial use, you can buy the license at the following links:
If you have any questions, feel free to send a message to You can also follow my Instagram account @luthfi_ef for updates.
To make a donation, use the following PayPal link: PayPal.Me/luthfief.
Thank you.