Gittany Signature font family by Skillyas std is a free contemporary and elegant handwritten font with two charming font styles. The font draws inspiration from the handwriting of iconic personalities naturally famous for their signature. Gittany Signature is cursive, legible, stylish, and unusually fun to use for your design projects. Inspired by actual handwriting, it’s natural, and comes with several alternates and beautiful ligatures.
Use it in branding, packaging, quotes & invitations, posters, signatures, T-shirts, cards, products, and all things design. Whatever personal or commercial project you plan, this font is easily adaptable to it and will work perfectly.
Gittany Signature is free to use for personal projects. A commercial license can be purchased for client projects and other ventures.
By downloading or using our font, you are agreeing to our Terms of Use Agreement.
This font is copyrighted and protected by law. Using this font on any work without a proper license is considered illegal.
Here is the link to purchase a standard license:
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