H&B Sketch font by Studio Typo is a fancy font with a casual aesthetic and informal mood. This free font immediately stands out with its chalkboard effect, which sets a hand-drawn appearance characterized by sketchy textures. Destined for projects related to art and creativity, this font is perfect when used to convey educational feel.
H&B Sketch is highly applicable in the design of casual student projects, class or school banners & signs, artistic movie posters, game design, printed & e-books, and children’s books. Other applicable uses include scrapbooks & journaling, coloring sheets, and e-shop business cards.
H&B Sketch is free for personal use only, so you might want to purchase a license to fully enjoy it in commercial use.
This is a limited character demo version. If you would like to consider using it for commercial projects, please visit
http://www.studiotypo.com/ Thank you.