Half Term, School's Out is a free font by Chequered Ink that is a handwritten typeface designed to be animated, friendly, and fun. It is lively, vibrant, and filled with energy, reflecting the same approach to life as kids during this anticipated time of the year. The typeface of unevenly sized letters is highly cheerful and brings plenty of personality to the written text. It is colorful, childlike, and engaging to a level that it will instantly make the reader feel connected to the content.
Half Term, School's Out is envisioned for fun and casual projects, where a personal touch is required. This includes note-taking designs, school-related projects, children’s books, product packaging, and more. Informal and creative uses of the font fit its style.
The font is free for personal use, copyrights must be kept in mind always. In case of a commercial project, a donation is possible if the community wants to support the artists.
Bring your creations to life with Chequered Ink fonts! Our free font collection is available for personal and non-profit use. For commercial use, a license purchase is required.
If you're enjoying our free font, we would greatly appreciate any support through other means.