Handfine font family by Khurasan is a free handwritten font family of 2 font styles. The typeface has a contemporary, signature-style handwriting design which makes for a useful personalization resource. Each glyph is designed to be unique and beautifully imperfect, exactly like natural handwriting. Handfine is intricate and elegant, yet expressive and fluid. The font is well-balanced and sophisticated; it makes an impression and captivates the audience at the statement level.
Handfine is great wherever you need to add a personalized and informal touch to your design. The font will work best for signature logos and signature branding in general, across business cards and official stationery. Use it with great results in posters, flyers, magazines, catalogs, social media covers, posts, and stories. Other uses include website headers, typographic artwork, packaging design, and product labeling.
Handfine is free for personal use. For commercial and business use, a license must be purchased.
Thank you for downloading my product.
This free font is available for personal use.
If you are interested in the full version and a license for commercial use, please consider purchasing it.
If you would like to make a donation, you can do so at the following link:
I truly appreciate your support.
Thank you very much,
Syafrizal a.k.a. Khurasan