Hantoria Signature font family designed by Eknoji Studio is a free handwritten font family which contains two font styles. Delicate with a sophisticated flowing style, it blends old school elegance with simplicity and readability. Timeless in its design, Hantoria Signature aims for uniqueness in each character by switching up thickness and spacing.
Due to its signature-like nature, the font is great for personal signatures, professional business card designs, and branding projects like logotypes. Use it to design stylish wedding invitations, magazines, or create “how-to” photography videos. Hantoria Signature can also be used for posters, social media platforms, and websites.
This stylish free font family is available for personal use only. In order to use it commercially, purchase a license or make a donation to the author.
My fonts for free use are allowed only in personal projects and non-profit endeavors. If you make money or use the fonts for commercial purposes, please purchase a commercial license.
For a STANDARD License, EXTENDED License (including APPS, UNLIMITED WEB VIEW, BROADCAST, and CORPORATE LICENSE), we recommend purchasing from the following sources:
Thank you.
CAUTION! Anyone who uses personal-use fonts for commercial needs without buying a commercial license and without permission from the author will be subject to fines.