Harukaze font family by Nug's Project comprises 2 font styles suitable for foreign language projects. The free font is expressive with artistic and dynamic calligraphic influences. Designed with contemporary appeal, it creates impactful striking visuals giving an impressive effect to any text. The structure is elongated and elegantly crafted by a passionate and welcoming artist.
Use it for children’s comic books, magazines, book covers, or advertisement announcements. Harukaze will also highlight products incorporated within flyer designs, banners, posters, packaging, and signage.
Other uses include business cards, brochures, logos, and websites. Built for personal usage, but for commercial use, purchase a license from the developer.
If there is a problem, question, or anything about my fonts, please send an email to
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! But any donations are very appreciated.
Paypal account for donations:
Before deciding to use the font commercially, please be aware that ignorance is not an excuse for copyright infringement. By installing this font, you are considered to have understood and agreed to the following terms and conditions:
1. This font is licensed for PERSONAL USE only. This means the font can only be used for non-commercial, non-profit purposes, whether by an individual, design agency, printing company, or corporation.
2. It is strictly prohibited to duplicate, distribute, or use this font for commercial purposes, such as in advertising, social media promotion, TV, film, video, motion graphics, YouTube, or for product logos and packaging (physical or digital), or in any other medium with the intent of generating profit or gain, whether material or non-material.
3. Duplicating, distributing, or using this font for any commercial purpose without prior permission or purchase of a Corporate License from the copyright holder will result in the applicable fees as outlined in the Indonesian Copyright Law No. 28 of 2014.
For information on the appropriate license you may need, please contact us at:
Nug's Project