Emillia font is a beautiful
signature typeface designed by
Rochart Studio.
handwritten font is perfect for many design needs such as wedding invitations, t-shirts, book and magazine covers, social media posts, websites and much more.
A big thank you to
Rochart Studio for making this free font available for personal use. This is a demo version that contains an incomplete set of characters - it is limited to upper and lower case letters and numerals. Enjoy!
This font is PERSONAL USE only. If you want to use this font for COMMERCIAL, you need a commercial license that can be purchased here:
Thank you:)
You need to purchase a commercial license before using this font for commercial purposes. The license can be obtained at:
Failure to purchase the license and use the font commercially will result in a minimum fee of Rp 25,000,000 (Twenty-Five Million Rupiah).
Thank you, let's support each other.