Kaylani font family by Fadlilah Studio includes 2 handwritten font styles. It is a free font for personal use created for written designs that need a feminine, artistic, and romantic touch. Besides elegance, this modern script font from Fadlilah Studio is delicate yet versatile for multiple purposes. Each character is designed with grace and sophistication making it always beautiful to look at.
If you are a florist, startup owner, blogger, or graphic designer, you can use Kaylani for all visual and print elements of your project. Kaylani is also suitable for wedding invitations, greeting cards, posters, promotional products, children’s books, social media pages, fashion stores, and websites. It is carefully crafted to easily elevate the overall look and feel of a design when used.
Kaylani isn’t free for commercial use, but you can purchase a license to fully enjoy using it across multiple platforms. However, the font is free for personal use and can be supported by donations from its users.
Be cautious and take the time to read any terms and conditions before deciding to use the font for commercial purposes. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law.
This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. It is not allowed for promotional or commercial use.
If you violate this agreement, you will be charged the Standard Desktop License Price for 100 uses.
If you wish to use this font for a commercial project, please purchase it through the following link:
or contact us at
By installing this font, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to all terms and conditions of use outlined below:
1. The license for this font is "Personal Use" only. This means it is intended solely for personal use and not for business or commercial purposes.
2. It is strictly prohibited to copy, distribute, or use this font for commercial purposes, including advertising, promotions, television, film, video, motion graphics, YouTube, or for product logos and packaging, in any media format, whether print or digital, for the aim of generating profit.
3. Copying, distributing, or using this font for commercial use without permission or without first purchasing a license from the creator or copyright holder is a violation of the terms and conditions of this font license. You will be liable for charges in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.
4. For information about the licenses you may need, please visit the following link: