Kosakatta font by Telllu is a free handwritten font with modern signature style in mind. It is an elegant typeface that channels the beauty of typical human penmanship through its fluid motions and expressive lines. There is a stylish, personal touch applied to all parts of the typeface which is equal throughout all the different letters. Its informal, yet classy aesthetic element allows it to flawlessly adapt to whatever project it is used in.
Kosakatta has uses across many categories with some of the more general ones being those in fashion, interior design, and retail. The font can also be used for logos, business and branding content, packaging, posters, quotes, invitations, greeting cards, and more! Those require a bit more of a personal touch in the text to relay the message with added flair.
This demo version of the font is available for personal usage. Consider purchasing the full version of the free font if you want to make use of it commercially.
Kosakatta is a signature font originally handmade by @endita from @telllu_craft. It contains 405 glyphs and 10920 binary stored kerning pairs (on the PRO Version).
DEMO Version:
- No Commercial Use is Allowed
- Limited Characters
- Limited Opentype Features
Please contact me before any PROMOTIONAL or COMMERCIAL USE.
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