Kuchen font family designed by Vladimir Nikolic is a 2-font styles collection with a geometric retro style. The set is dynamic and sleek with a modern feel, and more structured than rough. If you’re a platform looking to make a lasting impression, Kuchen is the way. It’s impactful in its simplicity and the magic of its functionality lies in its impactful presentation.
Kuchen is one of the most flexible fonts out there and can be used in contemporary applications. It works perfectly for online publications and e-books as well as elements like apps, infographics, and video games. Kuchen also shines in printed materials, such as posters and magazines.
Kuchen is a free font but has limitations concerning personal use. To use this font for commercial purposes, purchasing or donating to the author are recommended approaches.
Here is the text enhanced according to the rules outlined:
Cakes come in regular and hollow versions. For commercial use, please order a license here: