Lapiah Tigo Typeface

Lapiah Tigo Typeface


Lapiah Tigo Typeface


Lapiah Tigo




Jul 14, 2015


Author's note

Lapiah Tigo Typeface is an initiative aimed at reintroducing the Lapiah Tigo motif to the younger generation of Minangkabau. The approach used involves exploring the physical form of the Lapiah Tigo motif through stylization, transformation, and deformation to achieve a visual typeface design. The realization of this typeface will become a new typographic alternative, featuring characters with a Minangkabau cultural visual identity.

The design process involves the stylization, transformation, and deformation of the Lapiah Tigo motif to create a unique visual typeface. This typeface will serve as a new typographic option that showcases the cultural heritage of the Minangkabau region.