Letterally Handwritten font family by Ketikata Studio contains 2 handwritten font styles inspired by the beauty of handwriting. Each letter follows a stylish and authentic design while sharing a refreshing touch for a modern yet unique presence. A casual font by nature, it suits all ages and audiences, presenting a wonderful array of options that includes numbers and symbols. Furthermore, this free font family is a versatile resource that also features multilingual characters for international projects.
Perfectly suitable for logos, these font styles can be used for badges, branding designs, and signage. Bring a personal touch with Letterally Handwritten to notebooks and call to action buttons, and create a pristine environment with wedding cards. The font family can be used for gift cards, decorated plates, or any home decor item that needs a little pick-me-up.
Commercial usage, however, requires a purchase of the commercial license. This font comes with a free font license for personal use. A donation is always appreciated.
Thank you for downloading Letterally. This is a demo font for PERSONAL USE ONLY! However, any donations are greatly appreciated.
Paypal Account for donation:
Thank You.
By installing this font, you are considered to understand and agree to all the terms and conditions for using the font as outlined below:
1. This font can only be used for "Personal Use" or for non-commercial purposes, meaning it cannot be used to generate profit or gain from utilizing/using this font.
2. It is strictly PROHIBITED to use or utilize this font for Commercial purposes, such as for Advertising, Promotion, Television, Film, Video, Motion Graphics, YouTube, or for Product Packaging (both Physical or Digital) or any other Media with the intention of generating profit/gain.
3. Using this font for any form of Commercial purpose WITHOUT permission will result in a fee for an EXTENDED LICENSE or a minimum of $20,000,000 (twenty million dollars).
For information on which License you will need, please contact me:
Phone/WhatsApp: 082223982100
Thank you, and please show your support.