Mecha Baby font by Beautypes is a cool and whimsical typeface taking inspiration from retro letter designs. It has a thick wavy look and a slight inner shadow effect that gives it a 3d feel. The letters almost appear as if they are inflated, which hints toward the font’s bold and stylized fancy characters. To add to its playful style, Mecha Baby even throws in a few special stylized ligatures that are sure to grab your audience’s attention.
From comic books, children’s storybooks, Halloween cards, graffiti art, and temporary tattoos. Poster headers, branding projects, logos, and titles are all remarkably easy to create with this free font.
Free for personal use, this font requires a license to be used for commercial projects.
This font is already the FULL VERSION and is for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial use is not allowed. If we find that you are using this product for commercial purposes, we will take action against the Copyright Infringement.
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