Menttarich font family by Ketikata Studio consists of 2 handwritten signature-inspired font styles with a dynamic, expressive, and stylish visual aspect. The free font family comes with a collection of English typeface characters which balances between modern retro and contemporary branding in its overall design. With irregularities in some of its corners and line angles as well as non-monospaced character sizes, this is a versatile typeface suitable for taking your digital and printed designs to the next level.
With a license that allows personal use only, Menttarich free font by Ketikata Studio is not suitable for commercial use. A paid license or donation will allow you to use the font in more project types and will support the author.
Thank you for downloading Menttarich.
This is a demo font for PERSONAL USE ONLY! However, any donations are greatly appreciated.
Paypal Account for donations:
Thank You.
With the installation of this font, you are considered to have understood and agreed to all the terms and conditions of font usage as outlined below:
1. This font can only be used for "Personal Use" or for non-commercial purposes, meaning it cannot be used to generate profit or gain from utilizing/using this font.
2. It is strictly PROHIBITED to use or leverage this font for Commercial purposes, such as for Advertising, Promotion, Television, Film, Video, Motion Graphics, YouTube, or for Product Packaging (both Physical and Digital) or any other Media with the intent of generating profit/gain.
3. Using this font for any form of Commercial purpose WITHOUT permission will result in the requirement of an EXTENDED LICENSE or a minimum fee of Rp. 20,000,000 (twenty million Indonesian Rupiah).
For information on the type of License you may need, please contact me at:
Phone/WhatsApp: 082223982100
Thank you, and please support one another.