Morning Breeze font family by Szymon Furjan is a free handwritten font family featuring 4 font styles. It is included in public domain / GPL / OFL licenses which means it can be used freely for personal and commercial purposes. Each font style offers a different take on handwriting which allows for a versatile creative experience when designing. Informal, approachable, friendly, and very casual can describe the handwritten feel Morning Breeze can give to the text it's used to display.
This relaxed font fits seamlessly in any modern visual project. Use it for posters, book covers, web design, phone apps, print on demand, logo design, contemporary magazine layouts, merchandise such as T-shirts and stickers, event invitations, business cards, packaging, or product labels. It reads clearly and delivers content well on digital screens and printed surfaces alike.
A gorgeous free font family with zero restrictions whose versatility and visual quality will open new doors to your creativity when designing your next project.