Overbrushing Sans Serif font family brought to you by Mocha Frappuccino is a creative brush font with textured casual typography and an artistic slant. Overbrushing lives up to its name and without doubt will brush up any of your designs with its signature touch. Its letters are bold, loud, and stand out immediately in both digital and printed mediums. The font takes its looks to the next level by combining its brush letters with thick uniform outlining strokes across each character.
Use Overbrushing in handwriting-like projects such as signature logos, apparel designs for t-shirts, and book covers. The font also does well in designing captions, headings, printed invitations, banners, or similar.
The download of Overbrushing is a free font for personal use projects. Commercial plans will require a paid license purchase.
It's for personal use only. It's not for commercial use.
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