Piedmont font by 38.lineart is a free handwritten signature font with all the grace of a poised masterpiece. It manages to combine cultural elegance with modern sophistication in a design that is versatile and casual. Each character carries an artistic flow making this font suitable for any user, even beginners.
Piedmont is a simple connection toward the professional with a sense of freedom. Gather any popular magazine and it would be hard not to find this style used regularly. Whether it’s fashion-related, covers for big brands, or the entertainment industry, this font is hugely desired.
Piedmont is a free font for strictly personal use. To access the commercial license, please purchase the official license.
This free font is available for the DEMO Version only. If you want to use it for any commercial or personal project, you need to purchase a commercial license from the following link:
Any donations are much appreciated. You can make a donation through the following PayPal account: