Planets Signature font by aminmario is an elegant handwritten font with a modern look. Its style is sophisticated yet fluid and dynamic with artistic elements. This is a free font that achieves expressiveness while preserving its unique and creative identity. Its applications go far and wide with the font complementing contemporary design and communication projects the best.
Use Planets in branding, personal signatures, invitations, cards, logos, social media posts, product packaging, and other print or digital projects. With its fluid traits, the font can also be used to introduce product descriptions with style. Meet your readers with stylish blog post introductions as well when using Planets Signature.
This font is free for personal use; for commercial use, a full version is available for purchase.
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
Any donation is greatly appreciated. A minimum of $10 or more is appreciated.
Paypal account for donation:
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After downloading, you have agreed that the font can only be used for personal (non-commercial) needs.
For Indonesian designers, advertising, printing, FILM CINEMA, etc., if you wish to use the font for commercial or EXTENDED LICENSE purposes, please email me. Reasonable pricing is available.
Let's work together, Indonesian designers, to succeed on the global stage.
Thank you very much.
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