Pletoy font family by PenPointype consists of 2 handwritten font styles. It’s a free font family with a minimalist design created to elegantly portray handwritten texts in the most modern way possible. Contemporary, inviting, and approachable, this stylish font is perfectly suited for modern times. Enjoy a sleek monoline experience that has a unique attractive touch due to its worldly imperfections.
Pletoy’s list of potential uses includes greeting cards, magazines, social media, children’s books, posters, invitations, fashion items, packaging design, branding, logos, and identity design. With all its elegant possibilities, this font remains most certainly approachable.
Pletoy font can be downloaded, installed, and used completely freely for personal use. For commercial use, make sure to purchase the font license or to donate to PenPointype.
This font is 100% free and can be used for commercial purposes. However, any donations are greatly appreciated.
To make a donation, please visit the Paypal account at
If you have any questions or issues with the font, please contact me at
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