Prestige Script font family by Mycandythemes is a free font handwritten font combining stylish aspects with an artistic approach. The family contains 2 font styles with slightly different visual solutions. Overall, the handwriting typeface is characterized by an elegant, contemporary flowing look in the nature of the character inclusions. A stylish and sophisticated appeal in Prestige reminiscent of a signature-like look can serve as the visual identity of brands and personae its users wish to promote.
Wherever a handwritten font fits, Prestige Script will too. That can be for the entirety of a document or for smaller sections where the visual focus goes. Similarly, its users may employ it in the online setting on websites and social media, or offline in projects meant to be printed. Branding, advertising, book covers, posters, fashion products, commercial or non-commercial use – all of these constitute valid options for use.
Free for personal use, the author of this typeface asks for a donation to use in commercial projects.
Introducing our fashionable, Prestige Script font, available for personal use. This script font is suitable for any modern design.
You can also get the full font family, including alternative letters and ornaments, on my shop at
Happy designing!