Qhueeny Signature font by Namara Creative Studio is a free cursive handwritten font that personifies beauty and elegance. Each letter has been drawn with the utmost care to reflect the perfect proportion of curves, widths, and height. The typeface manages to be very individualistic with personality, while still being perfectly legible for the audience.
Qhueeny Signature font is an obvious choice for wedding invitation design. However, it can also be used in other ceremony and event invites, branding and packaging design, social media posts, greeting cards, and digital artwork. Websites and applications with frequently changing content will benefit the most from its gorgeous usage.
This font is free for personal use only. Commercial usage is explicitly prohibited without a license. Alternatively, you can also make a donation to the author to support their creative work.
By installing or using this font, you agree to the Product Usage Agreement:
- This font is the full version but is only for personal use. Commercial use is not allowed.
- To purchase a commercial license, visit
Any donations are greatly appreciated.
Paypal email for donations: paypal.me/namaracreativestudio