Quetes Signature font family by Adi Handoko is a beautiful, exquisite, modern take on cursive handwriting. This is a dual-script typeface in two distinct styles that feature flowing pen-like letters with a thin, connected stroke. Both fonts offer a stylish and elegant look that is chic and refined and conveys great quality when used.
Use Quetes Signature in your branding design projects, in logos, and on product labels and packaging. It can be an ideal choice for POS, signage, posters, magazines, invitations, personal cards, and even social media posts. The two scripts within share a very fluid handwritten look that is easy to recognize in any application.
This free font is free for personal use. Commercial use requires the purchase of a license from the font author.
This font is for personal use only. However, any donations are greatly appreciated.
You can make a donation through the following PayPal account:
For the full version, please visit my store at:
For other licensing options, please contact me at
Thank you.