Rassain font by Amir Subqi Setiaji is a free handwritten font with a modern and approachable signature letter style. Slightly slanted letters allow Rassain to spell out words in a natural flow similar to that of an original handwriting. This font comes in a single weight where letters can be expected to be friendly and casual with an artistic touch.
Use Rassain in a variety of design projects where handwritten texts can be useful. This font is suitable for logo design, packaging, posters, invitations, business cards, greeting cards, and more. Use it as headings or titles where it can clearly be identified.
Rassain is a free font for personal use; a commercial license must be purchased for additional usage. A donation to the author is always encouraged.
You could buy the full version with full characters included and with standard commercial license* at our creativemarket shop:
Contact us if you need a special license for broadcasting, servers, apps, film, or other commercial uses.