Rathiak font by Susi Type is a free font brush handwriting font. It combines various visual elements around the idea of modern design to form an elegant yet artistic look. This blend of all the qualities builds signature-style letters whose each has its own distinctive flair. Expressive and dynamic in overall appearance, Rathiak is a proud and modern font with contemporary energy in every twist and turn.
Use this typeface for typography projects where fluent, fluid movement matters. Rathiak is highly applicable in branding related to the food industry and its visual communication, packaging, and other graphic design products. Because there’s a casual, relaxed vibe to it, the font has potential outside the business world e.g. on social media or individual content creation.
This typeface is free for personal use, getting a license or donation will cover the commercial use of Rathiak.
You could buy the full version with full characters included and with standard commercial license* at our creativemarket shop:
Contact us if you need a special license for broadcasting, server, apps, film, or other commercial uses.