Raymond Signature font family by Kotak Kuning Studio is a free font with a casual look. It contains 2 font styles whose all available characters are darning as they are made individually using actual brushes. Along with the natural visual aspect, Raymond Signature works with a modern approach whose perks are clear readability and an overall inviting look.
The nonchalant design makes Raymond Signature suitable for writing casual quotes, daily notes, and journaling. Still, the typeface adapts well to titles for magazines and books, flyers, and light festive invitations. If professional or further technical projects are needed, the font is totally expandable.
Raymond Signature is free for personal use and requires a full version download to get all the commercial rights.
Note: This demo font is free for personal use only. For commercial use, visit
By installing or using this font, you agree to the Product Usage Agreement:
1. This font is only for personal use. No commercial use is allowed.
2. You require a license for promotional or commercial use.
3. Contact the studio before any promotional or commercial use.
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Follow the studio's Instagram account @kotakkuningstudio for updates.
Kotak Kuning Studio