Renos Rough font family by Deepak Dogra consists of 2 font styles with varying unique levels of distortion. Renos Rough is a free font family which offers many options for your creative ideas. The texture of this typeface appears imperfect but gives a certain aura that is casual but somehow still underlines importance. The imperfections do not intervene with readability even at smaller sizes.
The best use cases for Renos Rough are those that your viewers, audience, or clients will interact with from a relative distance. House title numbers, large posters, and shop signs are some unusual ways you can use this font. Renos Rough is also great for some more typical but very important perspectives such as in logo designs, print on packages, magazines, books, posters, or even on online platforms like social media or websites.
This font is free for personal use only. For commercial purposes, it is best to purchase a license or donate to the author.
Reno Rough is a distressed display typeface with an eroded rustic look and a distinct geometric spirit. It is free for personal use. However, if you would like to use it for any commercial purpose, please donate $18 via PayPal by clicking the 'Donate to author' button, located below the download link. You will receive a confirmation email regarding your purchase of the license for the font.
Reno Rough also has multiple weights that can be purchased here: